Forest Applications -- Basic Saw - Hands On
Training Outline
Day 1
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Chain saw safety features
- Reactive Forces and the Bore Cut
- The Hinge
- The Face Notch
- The Cutter Tooth
- Information before felling
- Scoring to steer retention of topics
Day 2
- RDT Maintenance
- The Cutter Tooth
- Hands on carburetor adjustment
- Hands on practice of chisel bit and round chain filing
- Introduction to Springpoles
- Introduction to Wedging
- Side lean and target accuracy
- Scoring to reflect level I retention
Day 3
- Height Measuring
- Introduction to The Prosight
- Segment calculation
- Wedging and Binds
- Delimbing, Topping and Bucking
- Hazard removals and Recognition
- Scoring to reflect retention
Items Needed for Training:
- Hard Hat
- Safety Glasses and/or Face Screen
- Hearing Protection - Muffs or Plugs
- Gloves
- Leg Protection (Will be supplied if unavailable)
- Heavy leather boots or footwear with steel toe and or chainsaw
- Personal Chain saw (Not Required for the Training. Would prefer to
have 1 saw unit with bar & chain per 2 students for maintenance session)
- Fuel mix and Bar oil
- Saw chain files and bar wrenches for student saws
Classroom, Facilities and Location
- Indoor (quiet) area with seating for morning sessions
- Chalk board or white board
- Wooded site where at least two trees per student may be felled,
limbed and bucked
- Training takes place rain or shine so be sure to
bring appropriate gear.
- Classes start between 0800-0830 and end the
first two days at approximately 1500-1600 hours. These three days are action packed and we
need undivided attention.
- Lunches should be supplied or available on or
near the site.
(((c) Copyright Forest Applications
Training, Inc.