One Day - Limbing, Bucking, Storm Clean-up
Participants in this program must have previously completed the two-day Saw Workshop.
Participants - 10 to 15 maximum Class Time - 6 to 8 hours

One Day - Limbing, Bucking, Storm Clean-up Outline
 Discussion of Pressures and Binds
 Springpoles
 Windthrown Trees
 Site Information / Assessment
 Hazard Removals and Recognition
 Wedging use for Pressures and Binds
 Delimbing, Topping and Bucking techniques
 Review of Notching and Hinge
 Debris removal and Ergonomics
 Throw line and Rope Discussions
 Scoring to reflect retention

Participants Need:
Completed two-day workshop on record
Chain Saw ready for work
PPE - Head, eye, ear, face, leg and heavy duty boots (chain saw resistant suggested)
Site Requirements:
Cutting site with storm damage present to accommodate five workstations or a site where five to ten trees can be felled to set up workstations.